
###Ref01-Willian Mills Tompkins Interview2 威廉湯普金斯訪談2

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##Willian Mills Tompkins Inter##Willian Mills Tompkins Inter




------- 人類首次登月受爬蟲族外星人警告

-- Kerry

Okay, you planned starting with Apollo, and you...


-- Tompkins

That is the Apollo Mission, no, that is the Apollo Mission.


-- Kerry

Oh, that's just Apollo. Okay, did it happen? (Tompkins: Uh, no) it got stopped right (Tompkins: yeah) and it got stopped by the reptilians!


-- Tompkins

Yeah, they said "No, No".

When we got to the Moon, we found out a lot of surprises.

Okay, the Draco reptilians were already there, and we knew because we had probes when we went non-manned probes, that we sent around the moon. So we knew there were serve(設施) on the backside. Actually, this is not your planet, Um, this is their laboratory, Draco reptilian, reptilian.


-- Kerry

So, basically, there are seven huge craft there, and you said on one of the shows out there. You said, um, that the reptilians actually showed up be beneath their craft and they gave the finger.


-- Tompkins

Okay, they were parked around the side of the uh crater(隕石坑), okay. They were not parked on it, they were floating above it. So there were hundreds of these 9 foots reptilian guys standing with their legs. (Kerry: hundreds?) Yeah, they were all the way across the under, underneath their vehicles standing on the crater.


-- Kerry

And what do they look like?


-- Tompkins

They're ugly looking, uh lizard alligator type people. They got they got the same skin as the lizards, got okay! And terrible looking faces. But then they have the ability to shift and look like a human. All of them do okay, okay.


-- Kerry

Do you think Von Braon was a reptilian?

-- Tompkins


-- Kerry

You really don't...

-- Tompkins


Uh, your president, Yes.

-- Kerry

Which one, Uh George Bush Senior?

-- Tompkins

Yes, yeah sure. And Bill Clinton and this guy you got just got rid of

-- Kerry

O Barma

-- Tompkins

Yeah, (Kerry: yeah). Um, they all were.

Okay, so when they all have this ability to make themselves look like real good-look people.

-- Kerry

And you're saying Trump does, isn't?

-- Tompkins

No, he's not. Okay.

-- Kerry

Well, that's a really and ha, ha

-- Tompkins

And he knows more about this subject than people realize.

-- Kerry

Oh, excellent


-- Man

Bill, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren landed at Tranquility (寧靜) base on July 20 of 1969. Were they given for knowledge of what they were going to find when they got there? or were they just Flying Blind and they?


-- Tompkins

They sort of had full knowledge. Let me tell you why! Okay, we talk about these you're heard, heard their comments about: "Oh, my god. There are other crafts out here".

This is before you get to the moon. They're flying from here to the moon, and Uh, so then they, uh they describe some of these, Okay. Uh, very one or two of the very large kilometer or 2 KM long spacecraft. Carriers came in from one side of the uh Apollo control module. So the Apollo's coming here, this vehicle is coming in like it's going to go exactly into the vehicle, our vehicle. Of course, it makes the turn and uh you essentially get the feeling. You're being given the finger, okay.

##Willian Mills Tompkins Inter

So you go on, Uh you make your rotation around, you get all setup, uh and uh to land. And so as you're landing from down behind the crater. Uh, these vehicles come up and park, okay. Some of the guys come out and they stand there underneath on the edge of the crater. So, we got two guys here and another guy still goings on the planet up there which you has to get back into. And they're doing their thing. They're they well again. They didn't put the flag up first, they put up a Freemason flag.

##Willian Mills Tompkins Inter ##Willian Mills Tompkins Inter

And then they got this great Freemason plaque, which they put down and they the Freemasons take over the moon. Right! Okay! That's what the plaque(牌匾) is for.


-- Kerry

With the, with these reptilians watching?


-- Tompkins

Yeah, yeah, and so now, so now then they put the American flag up, okay. And then, they start walking around taking their pictures, and all around the edge of the crate are all these great big things.

Which his, his, his statement of Armstrong: "Sir, there you've got to see these. They're massive, they're threatening, they're threatening us.


------- 外星人在操控 5:39

-- Tompkins

Yes, there are Federation facilities out in the Galaxy, where other extraterrestrials get together, and there's many different missions for many different types of programs. But we'll talk about one of them which cruises the Galaxy, and it has as 30 different extraterrestrial civilization people on board. It looks like the moon. Okey! But it's a planet, I mean it's not a planet, it's a vehicle.

We've got you know documented 23 different types of extraterrestrials, most of them being good people. Okey! But then we've got this massive capability with facilities of the Draco extraterrestrial side. That, you know, they've controlling, and they don't just control this planet, we're just one of their planets they control.


-- Kerry

Is under their rule or not? Cause I know we have bases on Mars.


-- Tompkins

Yes, Yes.


------- 跳高行動真相:美軍在南極遭飛碟擊潰 6:57

-- Man

Uh, what was the primary mission of the 1946 Naval program known as "Operation Highjump" and what really happened?


-- Tompkins

Very interesting.

Essentially the war had World War II had ended. Uh, we didn't win. It's just sort of ended. And Navy had been involved with the German facilities in Antarctica and the Draco reptilian facilities in caverns in the Antarctica. And this program was well accepted and then when paperclip took place. This is where many of the German Elite technical people left Germany and went to their facilities in Antarctica. Some of them went to Russia, some went to England. And a large number of them, Von Brown and Dr. Divas and their people came to United States.

So, there's an admiral called Admiral Nimitz, and he got with another Navy Admiral. And they formed the largest US Navy battle group that we had, ever had with the number of ships and the number of facilities person. There were over 400 airplanes involved, many of them were enormous flying boats. Uh, PB3, TBFS, Uh, which were all in this battle group that went to our South Pole, to clean up the mess done there, Okey!

There are large tunnels underneath the water all around Antarctica, where the Germans with very very large trunk submarines had been taking facilities from Germany to Antarctica the facilities had Antarctica. So, everybody said we got paperclip here in the United States, but you don't realize that 60, 70%, even slave labor Personnel were put in these submarines and taken back to Antarctica through these big gunnels to very large facilities. So, yes, there were extraterrestrial UFOs, there too. And there were some production German UFOs also.

So when we got within what you would call “battle range of Antarctica”. We had already flown half of our aircraft to the other side of an Antarctica with the facilities to enter the mainland from the other side. We were going to come in from same Al the Pacific side. So UFOs came up out of the ocean at both sides, they eliminated every aircraft including all of the helicopters, flying boats. Every aircraft we had were eliminated in about 20 mins. Uh, we had already started operations a landing type operations. And those ships and all those personnel were sunk. They ended up going to the bottom of the ocean off of the coast.

So, Admiral Byrd and Admiral Nimitz with tail between their legs, took off back to United States as fast as they could go. Okey! And never went back. A little bit like, going to the moon, and never coming back. Okey!


------- 南極地下洞穴隱藏天龍座爬蟲族人基地 11:42

-- Kerry

Okey, well you know I have whistleblowers who talked about Antarctica.


-- Tompkins

Uh, there's a picture it's a receiving center for information in this part of the Galaxy for us. (Kerry: Right) And then you have a separate command center that the Air Force has in that big mountain range. But the one we're talking about is like the Draco have that the SS still uses which is in Antarctica. And it's a controlling area of incoming vehicles that are not German or primarily not reptilian Draco type facilities. They could be Nordic and they don't want the Nordic there. So during World War II, Germany was taking extraterrestrial information, putting in production 12 or 14 different extraterrestrial type vehicles. They're manufacturing them using slave labor. Almost 90% of that was taken out of Germany before the war even stopped. It was taken to Antarctica and is still operating there today. (Kerry: Right)

Von Brown and Debus (Kurt Heinrich Debus庫爾特.海因里希.德布斯)were both principles in that organization in Germany. And many of them were still managing construction of extraterrestrial spacecraft carriers which were being built underground in Germany during World War II.


-- Kerry

Uh, but how is it that the human are let they do down there? Are you saying that the ones that are allowed down there, are Draco or reptilian? Or are you saying that they allow them to come and go because that's come kind of a treaty or arrangement?


-- Tompkins

Well, it's just a arrangement between what was left of the SS and the people that are working in Germany on extraterrestrial vehicles. They have them in production , (Kerry: Still) Uh still! ... (Kerry: Today).Today! With even humans from here to Antarctica and you have Draco reptilian guys running your governments of every country on your planet.


-- Kerry

Of every government? There you go!


-- Tompkins



-- Kerry

It's quite a statement!


------- 類北歐人計畫:預測地球將發生像若亞大洪水的毀滅性災難,幫助人類移民其他星球 14:20

-- Tompkins

But, there had been seven floods since Noah's flood. So, when the fe.. the people in the secret Think Tank inside of Douglas were doing their studies. They came up with a Thust to review the geology of the planet, confirm the situations. With the support of the Nordics of moving people off of the planet to other stars planets, that the Nordics are very very aware of.



------- 類北歐人的長生技術 15:12

-- Kerry

What about you? Because you're 93 years old, are...have you did? were you not offered to live 3000 years? Or did you... what's your... you know relationship with them, are they, you know, giving you upgrades, so you lasted even this long or are they going to allow you to leave the Earth and you know, leave this body, this vehicle and go back and join them?


-- Tompkins

OK, let's talk about for a minute about Uh... extended life, Ok!

Now, extended life didn't start here in the United States last week, Ok! Extended life, Uh, was even implemented into the information that the Draco reptilians group educated some of the German people. So...Uh


-- Kerry

No doubt about it, I witnesses.


-- Tompkins

So again you say well, what's extended life? Extended life was heavily involved in the secret Think Tank inside of Douglas, Ok! Another subject but then at TRW where I worked later on, Uh it was a really big program. I mean really big program with hundreds of people involved, Ok!


-- Kerry

But even before that, the Nazis were reverse aging people!


-- Tompkins

Back to extended life, Ok! As it is sort of addressed today, Uh.. what you do is you take an Aspirin size pill, one every month for four months, Okey! Or it could be an injection. I have this very nice looking young lady feeling much better, Okey, immediately. You start feeling much better. At the end of or probably way before 4 months. Uh, the guys revert back to the latest number is 29, I've heard 23, I've heard all different dates but you have everything that you had at that point... plus you have minimum of 400% greater capability of your brain. I haven't been able to sign up yet, Okey! But I'm just saying that's a very real program obviously what the Nordics are already doing, already using Okey! Because the Nordic guys and girls go to 3400 years, come on, comparable years. So this is again part of our problem here! Because we're being taught by the reptilians lies, we've being taught incorrect information, even incorrect astronomy. Everything is incorrect!


------- 被監視麻煩來了 18:45

-- Kerry

Do you feel that you're psychic enough to look at someone and know if they're Draco or not or reptilian and shape shifted?


-- Tompkins

I have said that I don't have that ability. I had times pick it up, Ok! (Kerry:right) But that's I don't have that expertise, but I can, for some reason, I know that SOB (Special Operations Battalion 特種部隊) that was right down the hallway, right here when we came in, uh, could be a problem. (Kerry:Oh, Wow) And I don't know why he was down the hall. We sort of were on the run to get in here, because you wanted to get started, I saw him! I don't know what that was. He knows you were here!


-- Kerry

Yes, Oh come on we're sure. it's crazy, yeah.


------- 恐龍還存在地底下 19:37

-- Kerry

Uh, one last question in regard to this whole sort of scenario in you know Draco reptilians ... etc. Um, Mark Richards talks about the Raptors as being a group of reptilians that went off planet after the dinosaurs, you know that when they said the dinosaurs went Instinct, they didn't actually go Instinct. There a certain group of them from what I understand went underground and stayed there, and then a certain group actually left the planet and they are called the Raptors. Have you ever heard about Raptors?


-- Tompkins

I've only, I've only heard what you've just said, Ok!


-- Kerry

But and that, they have aligned themselves now with our Navy and Air Force. They're closest to the Air Force and that they're working with us. Because of their Queen had was basically told in essence that, their trajectory of their race would be more positive if they align themselves with humans in a positive way instead of continuing to eat us.


-- Tompkins

OK! I guess I don't know that. I not familiar enough.



------- 可怕的蜥蜴人和天龍座人 20:50

-- Kerry

With you know that reptilians and Draco, you know, the blood sacrifices the whole Luciferian thing, the kid being killed and eaten. I mean that humans have been eaten and taken off planet etc, and used for slaves in other colonies...etc.


-- Tompkins

I hate to say that but that's far worse than what you've just said. (Kerry: It's far worse) Yes, far worse and uh that the whole blood situation is, uh, unbelievable. And right I don't know how we say that to the public!


    Cosmology 宇宙學
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